How to Prepare Chemistry for IIT JEE Main 2025

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How to Prepare Chemistry for IIT JEE Main 2025
The IIT JEE Main Examination 2025 is right around the corner. We are already in 2025, and with that, pressure must be mounting on the IIT JEE aspirants.
If you are writing the IIT JEE Main 2025, then you must have already experimented with your own box of tricks and tips to take the best advantage of the time that remains. However, in case you are going to prepare in 2025 for next year’s IIT JEE examination, then you should stay with us here for some time.
Today, we have come up with another article that directs your focus on one of the core subjects in the JEE examinations–Chemistry. Whether you are appearing in JEE Main 2025 or not, this article will help you revise what you already know and take measures more actively than ever.
Chemistry, unlike the other two core subjects, is fairly theoretical and can be an avenue to score higher. If aspirants strategize well, they can score fairly in Chemistry and gain an edge over other aspirants. In the following paragraphs, we have laid down in detail what you should know about the subject and its preparation for IIT JEE 2025 and beyond.
1. Syllabus of the IIT JEE Main Chemistry 2025
You don’t have to start from scratch, at least now. However, it is important to revisit the syllabus to identify whether you missed covering any topic.
Firstly, Chemistry for JEE Main 2025 comes in three parts: Physical, Organic, and Inorganic. Each section will cover questions, theoretical and practical, depending on the score weightage.
Key topics in Physical Chemistry include Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Chemical Thermodynamics, Solutions, and Equilibrium.
Then comes Organic Chemistry. Important topics include hydrocarbons, organic compounds, biomolecules, purification, and nomenclature.
Inorganic Chemistry has fewer chapters in comparison to the other two sections. These topics cover the classification of elements and periodicity in properties, D and F-block elements, coordination compounds, and P-block elements.
2. Identify the mark distribution in IIT JEE Main 2025
While there is no cent per cent way to determine the exact score distribution, analyses of the previous years’ papers can provide a fair idea of the nature of the questions.
It is estimated that the most important IIT JEE Main Chemistry topics 2025 are organic compounds, equilibrium, chemical kinetics, chemical bonding and molecular structure, coordination compounds, chemical thermodynamics, and transition elements.
Analysis shows that the maximum number of questions can be expected from transition elements and coordination chemistry and periodic table and representative elements. These topics are followed by Atmoic Structure, Chemical Bonding, and Chemical and Nuclear Chemistry and Environment.
Considering the limited time left until IIT JEE Main 2025, you should revise your basics and attempt questions on these topics. These topics can decide greatly your place in the rank card.
3. Solve Previous Years’ Question Papers
We live in an age and time when all resources are accessible. The only thing that stops us from accessing them fully is our lack of dedication. You need to understand that your self-assessment requires testing your knowledge in actual papers.
All the analysis you find anywhere with respect to IIT JEE Chemistry has to largely do with how the pattern of question papers has evolved over time. Several coaching institutes in Sikar and beyond offer online analysis of previous years’ question papers on YouTube such as Matrix, Aakash JEE and Allen JEE.
Once you are done preparing all the topics from the syllabus, you must collect at least last year’s four years’ question papers, attempt them, evaluate them, and re-attempt them. Make sure you practice them under simulated conditions so that you can check your time management.
4. Mock Tests Are Critical for IIT JEE 2025
As important as the third point is the practice of mock tests. When you have a couple of months left until the exam, it is a poor strategy to only study and not revise. Revision takes the front seat–and you need mock tests to revise.
If you have signed up with a coaching institute in Sikar, you will have received access to a customised catalogue of mock tests on IIT JEE Chemistry. However, those who haven’t may want to look up the online forums which offer sets of mock tests for free or at a minimum cost.
Make it a point to dedicate at least one day to attempting a mock test on IIT JEE Chemistry. Increase the frequency of attempts as you come closer to the exam.
5. Don’t forget your NCERTs
We think it is no exaggeration when NCERTs are emphasised everywhere. Despite being central for clarifying concepts in the core subjects, several questions are often directly asked from these books.
During JEE Main preparation, conceptual clarity is the focus. You clear that hurdle, you level up your ability to attempt advanced questions in IIT JEE Advanced. The foundation of all, therefore, will be NCERTs.
You can look up Amazon, Flipkart or other e-commerce platforms and can find NCERT Chemistry textbooks for Class 11 and Class 12. Make sure to go back and forth between your NCERTs now and then to keep your concepts in place. For suggestions, you can check this website to find out the best book for you.
6. Refer good IIT JEE Main books
While the choice of books depends a lot on the coaching institutes and personal preference, a few books are notable for being excellent for preparing for IIT JEE Main & Advanced.
The following list is not exhaustive and includes:
- Organic Chemistry by Morrison, Boyd, Bhattacharjee
- Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee
- Numerical Chemistry by P. Bahadur
- Arihant 46 Years Chemistry Solved Papers (JEE)
7. Practice numerical
While the preparation for Chemistry requires a lot of theory, the numerical part of the preparation cannot be ignored. Numerical questions consume a lot of time and failure to properly strategize can result in a poor attempt.
You already know the mark distribution as well as your weak and strong points. You need to start with numerical questions which concern your strongest areas, followed by those which are not.
8. Seek Help Whenever Need Be
If you have signed up for classes in a good coaching institute in Sikar, you have a team of instructors ready to help you. Make sure you discuss your performance in mock tests and previous years’ question papers with your instructor.
If you need an assessment in person, you should not hesitate to consult your instructors. Peer pressure often comes in the way of seeking help and can be harmful to the interests of the students. Therefore, seek help whenever you can.
To read more about IIT JEE 2025 preparation, check the link here.
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